Sunday 11 November 2012

Welcome to Margaret Wild Tarot Readings and Birth Charts

My name is Margaret Wild and for the past 25 years I have been an avid star watcher, astrologer, Tarot reader and follower of the old ways, appreciating nature and celebrating the eight festivals of the Pagan calendar.  I offer the following services to the general public after being nagged by my pals to start doing what I am best at for a living!
Birth charts:  How many times have you slapped yourself and asked ‘Why do I keep repeating old mistakes?  Why do I do the daft things that I do?’  You are not the only one.  Most of us are very good at seeing where others go wrong but we are not so observant when it comes to our own repeated mistakes.  Would you like to be more self-aware?  Would you like an accurate picture of yourself?  Through self-knowledge, you can see why you keep making your own particular errors and you can nip yourself in the bud before you experience any more ‘Doh!’ moments.
For the past 5 years I have been compiling detailed birth charts for friends using the 360 Sabian symbols, aligning each particular natal planet and major asteroid with the corresponding allegorical symbol.  For example my sun degree is 24 Gemini which is ‘Carefree Children Skating on a Village Pond.’  I am rubbish at walking on snow and ice but I do skate over problems and show a playful, happy face to the world, so this is pretty apt.  People have loved the charts that I have made them with many cries of ‘Wow!  Now I understand.’  I would love to give others these insights as a Sabian symbol chart really does help you understand your own nature, realise why you don’t always succeed and point you in the right direction to fulfilling your potential.  We have a choice about how we react to any given event and a full chart can show you what to look out for. 

Tarot Readings: My interest in astrology spans a quarter of a century but for at least this long, my party trick has been to bring a pack of Tarot cards to any gathering.  The Tarot probably originated in ancient Egypt, no one knows for sure but these 78 cards also provide great insights.  There is not anything hocus-pocus about it.  I liken it to talking to a wise but slightly grumpy old aunt or uncle.   They tend to tell you off a little bit, then advise you on what to do and the actions to avoid if you want to achieve your goals.  I use a 13 card Celtic cross spread and I can tailor each reading to specific questions.  No, the Death card does not mean death but big changes, sometimes to every aspect of a person’s life. 
A Tarot reading takes me about 20 minutes to half an hour and a birth chart takes 4-5 hours to complete.  I take pride in my work and my many satisfied customers have encouraged me to offer my services to the wider world. 
Tarot readings = £10
Birth charts = £20

for contact details see adverts on left hand side of the blog