Sunday 11 November 2012

Welcome to Margaret Wild Tarot Readings and Birth Charts

My name is Margaret Wild and for the past 25 years I have been an avid star watcher, astrologer, Tarot reader and follower of the old ways, appreciating nature and celebrating the eight festivals of the Pagan calendar.  I offer the following services to the general public after being nagged by my pals to start doing what I am best at for a living!
Birth charts:  How many times have you slapped yourself and asked ‘Why do I keep repeating old mistakes?  Why do I do the daft things that I do?’  You are not the only one.  Most of us are very good at seeing where others go wrong but we are not so observant when it comes to our own repeated mistakes.  Would you like to be more self-aware?  Would you like an accurate picture of yourself?  Through self-knowledge, you can see why you keep making your own particular errors and you can nip yourself in the bud before you experience any more ‘Doh!’ moments.
For the past 5 years I have been compiling detailed birth charts for friends using the 360 Sabian symbols, aligning each particular natal planet and major asteroid with the corresponding allegorical symbol.  For example my sun degree is 24 Gemini which is ‘Carefree Children Skating on a Village Pond.’  I am rubbish at walking on snow and ice but I do skate over problems and show a playful, happy face to the world, so this is pretty apt.  People have loved the charts that I have made them with many cries of ‘Wow!  Now I understand.’  I would love to give others these insights as a Sabian symbol chart really does help you understand your own nature, realise why you don’t always succeed and point you in the right direction to fulfilling your potential.  We have a choice about how we react to any given event and a full chart can show you what to look out for. 

Tarot Readings: My interest in astrology spans a quarter of a century but for at least this long, my party trick has been to bring a pack of Tarot cards to any gathering.  The Tarot probably originated in ancient Egypt, no one knows for sure but these 78 cards also provide great insights.  There is not anything hocus-pocus about it.  I liken it to talking to a wise but slightly grumpy old aunt or uncle.   They tend to tell you off a little bit, then advise you on what to do and the actions to avoid if you want to achieve your goals.  I use a 13 card Celtic cross spread and I can tailor each reading to specific questions.  No, the Death card does not mean death but big changes, sometimes to every aspect of a person’s life. 
A Tarot reading takes me about 20 minutes to half an hour and a birth chart takes 4-5 hours to complete.  I take pride in my work and my many satisfied customers have encouraged me to offer my services to the wider world. 
Tarot readings = £10
Birth charts = £20

for contact details see adverts on left hand side of the blog


  1. From sundown on 31 October to sunrise on 3 November is Samhain, The Feast of the Dead, when the veils between the worlds are thin. 1 and 2 November are celebrated by Catholics as All Hallows and All Souls Day respectively. South Americans and Creoles make a huge carnival of these days, picnicing at graveyards with their families, decorating tombs and holding processions. This has always been a time of divination and of the veneration of ancestors. In the agricultural calendar this was the harvest of the meat, when selected animals from the herds were culled and salted, smoked and preserved to see the community through the winter. At sundown on 31 October, light a black candle and say a prayer for your beloved dead. I always include a prayer for the much loved animal companions that I have lost over the years. Blessed Be at Samhain, hold a Halloween party and know that your beloved dead, human and animal will be waiting for you on the other side. xxx

  2. Our next New Moon falls just after Samhain at 12.49 hours on 3 November. The Sabian symbol for this is at 12 Scorpio 'A Brilliant Assembly of Dignitaries at an Embassy Ball.' This speaks of having to put your best face forwards and behave yourself in front of very important people. We all have to put on a face in front of collagues, neighbours and family from time to time. The stuffiness of formal gatherings is a pain for some. I don't really like stuffy, over-mannered occasions but it's lovely to dress up, drink fine wine and eat good food. If you find yourself having to put on a front to people, have a secret chuckle and think naughty thoughts on the sly! Happy Samhain and Blessed Be xxx

  3. Could there be romance in the air? Our next Full Moon falls on Sunday 17 November at 15:15 hours, at 26 Degrees of Taurus 'A Spaniard Serenading His Seniorita.' This tells of a man who is prepared to put his machismo aside to look faintly ridiculous in the name of love. Where his lady is concerned, a grand gesture is needed to announce his feelings for her. There is something very attractive about someone who does not take themselves too serously, who is prepared to send themselves up to win a fair heart. This weekend, take a compliment graciously, look favourably on flattery and be generous to those who are a bit over the top with their praises of you. Who knows, it could be the start of something special. Give the man a break. Blessed Be xx

  4. Our next New Moon is on 3 December at 11 degrees Sagittarius, Sabian symbol 'In the Left Section of an Archaic Temple, A Lamp Burns in a Container Shaped Like a Human Body.' This pictures a need for linking the spirit and the body. To amplify your own spiritual light, you need to treat your body as something of a temple. This is a timely pre-Chrismas reminder to look after ourselves. Stock up on those B vitamins to protect your nerves from the descending family, make some nourishing home made soup and don't overdo the coffee and cakes or chocolates as both play havoc with the nervous system if consumed in excess. Light a small candle on the left side of your fireplace or table. Take time out to nourish your body and with luck, make your spirit tranquil before the seasonal madness takes off! Blessed Be xxx

  5. Our next Full Moon is on 17 December at 26 Degrees Gemini, Sabian Symbol appropriately 'Winter Frost in the Woods.' This speaks of dormancy, of the earth sleeping after the summer's growth, ready to come to life again in Spring. I have always loved to see the skeletons of trees with low, winter sunlight through them and frost sparkling on the bare branches. Over the Xmas holidays, if there is a sunny day, wrap up warm and go for a walk in your local park or nearest bit of woodland. We need a bit of exercise among nature to break up the round of eating and drinking, lovely though all that is. You can return to a warm house feeling virtuous, having got the blood pumping outdoors again before you pick up your next glass of mulled wine and mince pie. A walk in winter woods is always good for wearing out the sugar-crazed younger members of the household too! Blessed Be xxx

  6. This year the Winter Solstice falls at 17:11 hours on 21 December. The sun appears to stand still for 4 days at its most southerly point, then begins the yearly cycle again, growing in strength so that our days lengthen. At this time of year the sun rises east-south-east and sets west-south-west, hanging low in the sky. Our ancestors would have celebrated the Winter Solstice from 21 Dec until around 6 January. Much feasting would have occurred and the traditional meats for roasting were beef and goose. Lords of the manor would distribute alms and mummers would set up camp in each great house to entertain guests over the festive period. Not much work was done outside as the days were so short and people would gather around the hearth to tell stories. Try to watch the sunrise on 21 Dec if you can and at sundown on 21st, light a gold or white candle to symbolise the sun and mistletoe respectively. Put a few sprigs of mistletoe, the Druid's sacred heal-all, in your house and make a wish for a lucky and blessed 2014. Wishing you all peace, prosperity and laughter over the coming holidays. Might see some of you at Stanton Drew or Avebury. Blessed Be xxx

  7. New Year 2014 starts with a New Moon at 11:14 hours at 11 degrees of Capricorn, Sabian Symbol 'Pheasants Display Their Brilliant Colours on a Private Estate.' The pheasants are very pleased with themselves, as they have good food and protection but do they realise they are being raised to be shot at by an elite group? Beware of shaking your tail feathers too much under this New Moon. Privilege and security can be there on the surface but what dangers lie beneath the veneer of luxury? Beauty, elegance and grace are the things that come to mind when looking at old country estates but is it safer to be a little brown bird with less flamboyant plumage? Take care how you strut your stuff under this influence. Blessed Be xxx

  8. Our next Full Moon falls at 1PM on Thursday 16 January, Sabian Symbol 'Guests are Reading in the Library of a Luxurious Home.' If things become too confusing and complicated, there is nothing better than settling down in a warm corner to read an engrossing book. Quiet times and informed reflection are good for us after the mad socialising of Christmas and New Year. If you get the chance to slip away for an hour of peace over the next week, grab it and don't feel guilty. Have rest periods and spend time in contemplation whenever you can, not just at weekends. Give yourself some head space in the privacy of your favourite spot in the house. Hang 'Do Not Disturb' on your bedroom door and remember that problems always feel worse when we are tired and in need of rest. There are always ways forward. Good luck and happy plotting for 2014! Blessed Be xxx

  9. Our next New Moon is on 30 January at 21:38 hours and falls at 11 degrees of Aquarius 'During a Silent Hour, a Man Receives New Inspiration Which May Change His Life.' This follows the same theme as our last Full Moon, that of having to take some time out in order to think clearly. Often when we stop trying to find solutions and take ourselves off for a tiny bit of peace, our brains can solve the problems that have had us going around in circles. Stop trying consciously to rationalise things and allow your subconscious to provide answers. Even if you can only escape your responsibilities for five minutes, take a small portion of Thursday evening to close your eyes and see what pictures come into your head. Regular slots of peace and a chance to let your head drift in a busy world might save your sanity and really change your life. Happy dreaming. Blessed Be xxx

  10. 2 February is the ancient festival of Imbolc, also called Candlemas and 1 February is the feast of St Brigid. This is the time of first planting in the agricultural calendar and of the dressing of the Holy Wells throughout the British Isles. There are many natural springs hidden alongside allotments and towards the foot of hills in city parks. If you know of one in your area, take tea lights and put them by the entrance to the spring, or hang a cloth with wishes written on it in the branches of a tree near the spring. Hawthorns were decorated with clouties or torn cloths in days gone by and prayers were said for good health. If you don't want to venture out, light a pale blue candle on 2 Feb and bring some potted yellow flowers into the house and make a wish for the coming spring. Brigid's blessings be on you all. xxx

  11. Prepare for revelations and fresh insights, both good and bad this Valentine's Day. Our next Full Moon is at seven minutes to midnight on 14 Feb at 27 degrees Leo, Sabian Symbol 'Daybreak: The Luminescence of Dawn in the Eastern Sky'. Whatever you think about your squeeze, or about romance in general, prepare to gain a new viewpoint this weekend. Relationships never stand still, they evolve constantly and what was true yesterday may not hold for good. If you are looking for a breakthrough with a partner or you want to put a close relationship on a new footing, this Valentine's Day holds hope. If you are bored with your other half, recall why you got together in the first place and do your best to get that spark back. This weekend is particularly good for putting a different slant on what we previously held to be Gospel and also for breaking free of situations that we have come to understand are not good for us. Good luck and Blessed Be xxx


  12. Our next New Moon falls at 11 degrees Pisces on Saturday 1 March, Sabian Symbol 'Men Travelling a Narrow Path, Seeking Illumination.' This symbol involves strict adherence to a particular route or course of action. It may be that dangers lurk for those seeking knowledge. There are no short cuts, a discipline has to be adhered to but what rewards lie at the end, once you have persevered with the prescribed route? This New Moon brings blessings on all who endeavour to find a new and better way. Good luck to you all and I hope you find your own, personal light at the end of the tunnel.
    Also, for all who live in and around Bristol, I will be doing Tarot readings and taking details for Sabian Symbol birth charts at Cotham Parish Church Hall at the top of St Michael's Hill on Saturday 1st March at the Retro Fair. Come along and say hello and browse through the wonderful, unique items of clothing and curiosities from the 1920s-1980s.
    Blessed Be xxx

  13. Our next Full Moon is on Sunday 16 March at 27 degrees of Virgo, Sabian Symbol 'Aristocratic Elderly Ladies Drinking Afternoon Tea in a Wealthy Home.' This speaks of earned rest and privilege, of elegant composure and of being able to relax with like minded friends. Even if you are not elderly and don't particularly like tea, take time out this Sunday to chill out and relax with people who you are comfortable with. There have been a few symbols like this at our New and Full Moons since the New Year. Perhaps we all need to make time to step back from the maddening scurry and scrum of life. Taking your time makes you live longer!
    For those of you based in and around Bristol, I will be doing Tarot readings and taking Sabian Symbol birth chart details at Bristol at 59-61 Whiteladies Rd on 22 and 29 March. There is also a market there selling retro goods, clothes and curios. Have a good Full Moon and Blessed Be xxx

  14. Tomorrow is the Spring Equinox in the northern hemisphere, when days and nights are of equal length. The old name for this festival is Ostara, from which we get our modern word for Easter. In the agricultural calendar this is the time for the planting of vegetable crops. The first Spring cabbage greens, carrots, leeks and onions appear and fruit trees begin to bud. Bring narcissus, hyacinth and bowls of crocuses into the house on 20 March and light a green candle at sundown to symbolise new growth. This is a time of renewal, for starting new projects and for getting outside again after the dark days of winter. Our energies start to increase now with the strengthening of the sun. Happy Ostara and Blessed Be xxx

  15. Our next New Moon falls on Sunday 30th March at 10 Degrees Aries 'A Teacher Gives New Symbolic Forms to Traditional Images.' This is all about the re-interperetation of old wisdom, of a fresh and revitalised perspective and of innovation and re-creation. If you need a fresh understanding of a problem, now is the time to find it. Restrictions and limitations have no place under this New Moon, nor should you have to keep quiet about your ideas because others have yet to understand them. Get that grey matter in gear my friends and happy Mother's Day to all the mums out there. Hope you get breakfast in bed or a pub lunch bought for you on Sunday! Blessed Be xxx

  16. Our next Full Moon on 15 April is a lunar eclipse and falls at 26 Degrees of Libra, Sabian Symbol 'An Eagle and a Large White Dove, Turning Constantly Into Each Other.' These symbols are opposites, the eagle a symbol of strength, stamina and leadership and the dove representing peace, love and gentleness. Somewhere in the middle is a balance incorporating both lots of attributes. You may find at this Full Moon that you feel a little schizophrenic, being pulled between asserting yourself and being loving and forgiving. Trust your instincts, temper aggression with fairness and be loving but strong minded. Birds have always been regarded as messengers from the Spirit world. Stand your ground, be fair and open-handed with it and try to find your own right balance. Blessed Be xxx

  17. Our next New Moon is a Solar Eclipse and falls on 29 April at 9 degrees of Taurus, Sabian Symbol 'A Christmas Tree is Decorated and Shines in the Darkness.' This looks an inappropriate degree for this time of year at first glance but I understand the symbolism in this to mean the comfort that we can derive from family and friends, from gathering with our tribe and celebrating whatever and whenever we can. This is all about welcome and cheer, about the need to get together and have fun with the people we love, about things done with loving intent. Buy some cheap fairy lights and decorate your living room, grab some cakes and have a little party. Blessed Be xxx

  18. Tomorrow is the ancient festival of Beltane, the Feast of the Lord of the Rising Sap. In pre-Christian times the Druid King or local chieftain would get together with the High Priestess and perform the sacred marriage, where the male and female heads of the tribe have ritual intercourse in a sacred grove or high place to bless the crops for the coming season. Not saying you should all get jiggy in the park (oh dear, my old man has cleared out the shed, looks like I might be going al-fresco of sorts, rain permitting) but this is a night for romance and lust. In the agricultural calendar, this was the time for the harvesting of the early spring vegetables and for keeping a close eye on the fruits and veg still growing. Children were put to work weeding and watering and scaring away the birds. Cheese making would have kept the goodwives busy and the men would have been sowing the last of the cereal crops ready for the harvest of the grain in August. Spring is really here and our modern day Druids will be saying their prayers on Glastonbury Tor. Happy Beltane and Blessed Be xxx

    1. Our next Full Moon is at 20:15 hours on 14 May at 24 Degrees of Scorpio, Sabian Symbol 'Crowds Coming Down the Mountain to Listen to One Inspired Man.' What or who inspires you and which ideas would make you travel a long way? This degree is all about having the power to sway the masses and in having the ability to hold a large audience. Certain people may become more charismatic under this Full Moon's influence but beware of guru mentality that leads to idolising the wrong sort of person, or unfair manipulation. Charmers will be out in force this week. Sit back and enjoy the flow of words and be inspired, just don't take it all too seriously! Blessed Be xxx

  19. I see ructions ahead! Our next New Moon is at 19:40 hours on 28 May at 8 Degrees of Gemini, Sabian Symbol 'Aroused Strikers Surround a Factory.' This is all about people getting angry at power imbalances and trying to make themselves heard. If you are in a situation where you need to stand up for your rights, it helps to have other people in a similar situation on your side. Try to enlist help for your cause but make sure that your actions are justified. It is easy for mob rule to take over under this influence. Try to bargain for a more equitable solution and don't burn the barricades yet. Justice can come through negotiation but if you have to take action, stand with your comrades and try not to let emotions get the better of you. Good luck and Blessed Be xxx

  20. Our next Full Moon is at 05:11 hours on Friday 13 June at 23 degrees Sagittarius, Sabian Symbol 'A Group of Immigrants Fulfilling the Requirements for Entering a New Country.' This is all about the reorientation of selfhood and of needing to change things in order to fit into a new reality. This is a time of new possibility and hope for better things and a new way of life, however there could be testing times over the next week, as we have Mercury retrograde until 1st July which snarls up communications and travel. This degree asks us whether we are worthy to enter into our own promised land. Are we happy and hopeful or do we feel somehow unworthy and alienated? Optimism and a humble yet interested outlook will go a long way here. Good luck with your endeavours and Blessed Be xxx
